Friday, July 29, 2011

Kara's 15th Birthday Party....

On July 26th it was my 15th Birthday! It was so fun!
My wonderful friends Makenna, Joelle, Talia, and Sarah came. My awesome sister Bryanna also helped out on making it a really awesome party!
We went to see Cars 2 at the McMinnville theatre at 3:40. It was a really cute movie.
Then we had pizza, and cake and Ice cream.
I also got lots of awesome gifts! Thanks everyone.
At about...well the time it started to get dark, the sleepover started!
It was so fun. We hung out in the living room and watched The City of Ember (which was fun because Sarah was freaking out!  Then we watched Enchanted!  Last of all we watched Princess Diaries 1#. It was a blast!  After partying, we went and slept in are cozy sleeping bags in a nice tent that my dad had put up for us. Thanks you guys for making my party special.

Love Kara

Love Kara


  1. Yeah! That was so much fun! Will you email me some pix from your party and also, please tell Bryanna I would like the pix from Drivers Ed. Thanks. :)

  2. Ya...I will...
    It was lots of fun...

    Love Kara

  3. It’s nice to see these pictures from your birthday party. Seems like it was a very enjoyable day for you and your friends. I’ll be celebrating my 16th birthday tomorrow, and dad has arranged an amazing party at the event space Chicago. I’ve also invited some friends for a sleepover so I’m quite eager for tomorrow.
