Monday, February 27, 2012

Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1

A Chance to Die...

Be earnest, earnest, earnest-
Mad if thou wilt;
Do what thou dost as if the
stake were Heaven,
And that thy last deed before
the Judgment Day.

Charles Kingsley

Every day we experience something of the death of Jesus.
so that we may also know the power of the life of Jesus in
These Bodies of ours.
2 Corinthians 4:10

Amy Carmichael was born December 16, 1867 in the gray stone house, one of three large houses in the village of Millisle on the north coast of Ireland. Below the Carmichael house, close by the seashore to this day, stands a row of old stone cottages with low doors, thick walls, and small-paned windows. In the street that runs along by those cottages are the water pumps and the iron rings set into the stones to which horses were tied...

A Chance to Die - By Elizabeth Elliot

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's prayer is a floor plan of the house of God: a step-by-step description of how God meets our needs when we dwell in Him. Everything that occurs in a healthy house is described in this prayer. Protection, instruction, forgiveness, provision...all occurs under God's roof.

Max Lucado

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Because I Love You...

Long ago in a land far away and unlike any you've ever seen, there lived a wise man named Shaddai. Shaddai was a large man with a tender heart. He had bright blue eyes and a long, thick beard. When he laughed, which is something he did often, his cheeks would lift until his eyes became half-moons of joy. When he sang, which is something else he did often, everything stopped to listen.
Tall aspens would bend. Squirrels, butterflies, and birds would pause.
Even the children would turn when they heard his voice. And well they should. It was for them he sang.

Shaddai built a wonderful village for the children to live in. He gave them everything they needed. And with his own hands Shaddai built a protective wall around their village, rock by rock.

He did all of this for just one reason...
Because he loved them.

Because I love you- By Max Lucado-

A small amount of heaven in one glimpse of the sky...

                      For the Son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. 
                      Luke 19:10 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day...

                                                Happy Valentine's Day!